The Pontiac Creative Arts Center will honor Dr. Harold A. Furlong, its founder, with three events during the month of May. Attached to this e-mail is a flyer detailing the events and information to register for them.

Harold Furlong, a Pontiac native and Post #341’s name sake, had a long and multi faceted life. Harold was Michigan’s only official recipient of the Medal of Honor from WWI. He was a physician and a medical educator in the community of Pontiac. In 1964 he and his wife Frances, both artists, founded and endowed the P.C.A. C.

I encourage you to attend these events at the P.C.A.C. which honor the life of Harold A, Furlong a great Military hero, Physician and Educator of physicians in Pontiac and a Philanthropist for the benefit of his community.

Dave Dinger, Adjutant
Harold A. Furlong
American Legion Post #341