Harold A. Furlong American Legion Post #341

American Legion Post 341 was founded in`2006 in Keego Harbor, MI.  The meetings were held at the Knights of Columbus hall in Keego. Our primary mission was to help Veterans and causes that help Veterans.  Our first Commander was Ed Berger and followed by Bob Goulet both decorated Veterans. In the early days we supported military units in the combat zones of Iraq and Afghanistan.  We sent over 200 packages to two Marine units, three Army units one nursing unit and four K-9 unites.  We sent two world War Vets to Washington, to the World War 2 Memorial.  We have supported 12 vets at the Veterans Home in Grand Rapids Michigan.

The Post then moved to The Oakland County Boat Club in Sylvan Lake. Since then we have participated in Poppy sales each year to raise money to support military and Veterans causes.  The post volunteers to help make packages for active military through the Desert Angel Foundation.  We have also volunteered to help clean up The War Dog Cemetery in South Lyon. We have volunteered at the Elks Club Christmas party for veterans that are in veteran’s that are not able to care for themselves.  We have donated clothing and money to the Michigan Veterans Foundation in Detroit. Several of our members have placed wreaths on Veterans graves at The Great Lakes Veterans Cemetery.  Post 341 has received membership awards from the State in 2009, 2012 2013 and 2015.  Every Veterans day (pre-covid) our Post will place Flags on graves of 5 Revolutionary war soldiers graves and 2 medal of Honor Winners graves. We aim to volunteer and donate to Veterans and organizations for Veterans and active duty Military. To help and affect positive change.

Post #339 History

EARLY YEARS 2006-2009
In the Summer of 2006 an informational meeting was held at the Bloomfield Township City Offices by Joseph Lafnear, Commander of the 18th District of the American Legion Department of Michigan. The purpose of this meeting was to interest local Legionnaires in forming two Legion Posts. That night a Post for West Bloomfield had its early beginnings and later became known as Lakes Post #341.

September 14, 2006, eight Legionnaires met at Baldwin Library with Joe Lafnear to begin exploring the development of a Post for Bloomfield Township. Bloomfield Area Post #339 had its beginnings that night and officers were elected. Michael C. Rose, Commander; Frank McIntyre, Adjutant and Robert J. Foster, Finance Officer led Post #339 in those early days at their meeting place, the Bloomfield Township Central Fire Station.

Early business was establishment of a Constitution and Bylaws for the Post which secured approval April 22, 2008.
A committee of members, led by Bruce Lessien and Dick Euler, worked to name the Post for Harold A. Furlong, Michigan’s only Medal of Honor recipient from WWI. Harold was well known to several (Billy Baumann, M.D., David Dinger, M.D. and Bruce Lessien, M.D.) of the Charter members of the Post as Harold A. Furlong, M.D. who had been a senior medical colleague to us in the Pontiac community until his death in 1987, at age 91. Harold was born and raised in Pontiac. He began his college education at Michigan Agricultural College but dropped out to join the Army in 1917. In France, during the last big battle of the war, Harold, as a 1st Lt. and the commander of his company, was cited for bravery and was presented the Medal of Honor by Gen. John Pershing. Harold finished his undergraduate education at the University of Michigan, then completed four years of Medical School there, followed by Internship and a three year residency in OB-GYN before returning to Pontiac to start is medical practice. Dr. Harold Furlong founded and was the first Director of the OB-GYN Residency at Pontiac General Hospital. In 1964, Harold, and his wife Frances, founded and later endowed the Pontiac Creative Arts Center. Local historian Larry Hathcock said of him that “he was a great humanitarian who placed service above self as his gift to mankind through military service, medicine and the arts”.

The Post’s first social event, a picnic, was held at the Dinger’s home in August 2008 and was attended by seventeen members, spouses and children.  Major new construction at the Bloomfield Township Fire Station necessitated the move of our meeting site to the Bloomfield Township Senior Center, then, at Booth School in September 2008.  The Harold A. Furlong American Legion Post #339 received its permanent Charter January 7, 2009.  Matt Ankrom hosted the Post’s Family Picnic at his home in July 2009.

November 2009, after 14 months and two moves, we were able to return to the newly reconstructed meeting facility at the Bloomfield Township Central Fire Station which has become our home for monthly meetings.

Michael C. Rose, Commander and a founding member of Post #339, citing family circumstances, made a permanent move to Texas. His leadership and encouragement set the tone and direction for the leaders who have followed.
Dave Dinger, 1st V. Commander became acting Commander until being elected Commander in April.
Lack of a quorum at several scheduled Membership meetings in 2010 necessitated an amendment to the Post By-Laws to decrease from five (5) to three (3), the members present at a regular meeting which constitutes a quorum.
Cdr. Dave Dinger was certified by the American Legion Leadership College in November 2010.
Social events were a picnic at The Pontiac Yacht Club held in July and a Holiday Dinner held in December at Hogan’s Restaurant.


Post #339 officers were re-elected.
Ceremonial Flags were considered and decision deferred due to cost.
Social events held were a picnic in July at Dinger’s home and in December a Holiday Dinner at Hogan’s Restaurant.


Post #339 elected the following Officers 05/09/2012: Commander: Tom Stewart; Adjutant: Dave Dinger; Finance Officer: Bruce Lessien; Chaplain: John Rom; Sgt.-at-Arms: John Rom and Billy Baumann; Historian: Dave Dinger.
Post #339 Participated in the Keego Harbor Memorial Day Parade.
The purchase of Ceremonial Flags for the Harold A. Furlong Post #339 was authorized by approval of the Members at the Sept. 12, 2012 Membership meeting.
Social events were held in July, a picnic at the Pontiac Yacht Club and a December Holiday Dinner gathering at Hogan’s restaurant.

John Scholl, V. Commander of Post #341 in early 2013 reached out to Commander Tom Stewart of Post #339 requesting an invitation to attend a Membership meeting of Post #339 to explore ways our two Post’s might work together on joint activities.
A candidate for the American Legion Student Trooper Program, Matthew Okayie, whom we had interviewed and offered partial monetary sponsorship opted out after receiving a full monetary sponsorship from another American Legion Post.
Post #339 again participated in the Keego Harbor Memorial Day Parade. We were disappointed with our placement fourth or fifth from the front and in general of the commercial emphasis rather than on Veterans for this parade.
Summer Social event and picnic was held again this year at Pontiac Yacht Club on Aug. 16th.
Sept. 2013 Post #339 developed an e-mail address: americanlegionpost339@gmail.com
Winter social event was held again at Hogan’s Restaurant in December 2014/
March 9, 2014 Lake Majestic, eleventh grade student at Bloomfield Hills HS requested Post #339’s sponsorship to the American Legion Boy’s State Program. Lake was interviewed and found to be an excellent candidate. Post #339 filed his application and application fee prior to April 30, 2014.
Post #339 elected officers for the 2015 Membership year: Tom Stewart, Commander; Dave Dinger, Adjutant; Matt Ankrom, First Vice Commander; John Rom, Chaplain; Billy Baumann, Sgt.-at-Arms; John Rom, Sgt.-at-Arms; Frank Garland, Service Officer; Bryant Oxendine, Judge Advocate; Dave Dinger, Historian.
May 18, 2014 Post #339 participated in the Birmingham Hometown Parade which featured Veterans with the parade route lined with school children carrying, “Thank You, Veterans”, signs and there was a post-parade program in Shain Park honoring Veterans.
A late June letter from Lake Majestic revealed his enthusiasm for his just completed experience at Boy’s State. He thanked us for opening the door to him for “one of the greatest weeks of my life”.
The Post’s annual Summer social event was a well-attended picnic at the Pontiac Yacht Club, Aug. 15.
Lake Majestic attended the Post’s September Membership meeting to report his gratitude for our sponsorship to Boy’s State this past Summer. He told us of the lifelong friends he had made and that the “process of the Boy’s State experience caused him to develop confidence in his ability and poise before his peers”.
Adj. Dinger made personal contacts during November at Lahser HS and Groves HS to bring awareness and information of The American Legion programs and scholarships available to high school students.
Post #339 held its Winter social event and Holiday Party at the Golden Basket Restaurant.

Early in the year Post #339 studied alternatives to make a more permanent and meaningful recognition of our gratitude to the Central Fire Station for the use of our monthly meeting facilities and the storage of our Ceremonial Flags. In addition, with an eye toward the coming Post elections, we recognized the perceived value for a healthy organization in rotating leadership roles. We looked for ways to encourage our members to attend meetings and get involved in the business of their local Post.
Finance Officer Bruce Lessien in assisting with membership duties prepared a letter to Post #225 members in our contiguous Zip Codes inviting them to transfer their membership to Post #339.
April Membership meeting resulted in changes at a few officer positions and alterations of duty assignments. Billy Baumann was elected Finance Officer to replace ailing Bruce Lessien and Adj. Dave Dinger accepted responsibility of the Membership duties. Matt Ankrom, citing family circumstances, requested to be relieved of Post obligations. Other officer positions remained unchanged.
Post #339 participated in the Birmingham Hometown Parade May 17, 2015. The community placed a high priority on honoring its Veterans.
June 10, 2015 Membership meeting was attended by three distinguished guests: Sheryl May, 18th District Commander, Stephen M. Stevens, 18th District V. Commander and Larry S. Chase, Department of Michigan Centennial Committee Chair. Multiple topics were discussed ranging from the oversight of holding a District meeting on the day of the Birmingham Hometown Parade, membership recruitment and related issues and information re planning for the 2019 Centennial of the American Legion.
The Summer Picnic was held at the home of Adj. Dinger.
At our Sept. 9, 2015 meeting, we held a Moment of Silence for departed member Frank Garland, a WWII Veteran who was part of the ground crew for the airplane that flew Gen. Douglas MacArthur from the Philippines to the United States.
October saw the Post recommend a Post dues increase necessitated by future member dues increases at the National and State level. Member John Horisney was honored with a Certificate of Appreciation for his years of continuing efforts at collecting Poppy monies for the Post.
The year 2015 ended with a memorable Holiday social event held at the Vinsetta Garage. Our host Mr. Erich Lines gave us a tour and explained how his company develops restaurants in old buildings, with a history of their own, while preserving their soul.

The year began with the commitment to tackle two projects that, for too long, have been delayed for one reason or another. The recruitment of Post #225 members, living in our area, to our local Post and the completion of a permanent recognition of our appreciation for our home to the Bloomfield Township Central Fire Station. We also completed the membership’s decision to eliminate the Building Fund by rolling it into the General Fund.
John Rom was elected as Post Service Officer in April. All other Post officers were reelected for another year. The Post #225 project continued to meet with delays as did the ordering of a Recognition plaque for presentation to the Fire hall.
The Harold A. Furlong American Legion Post #339 again participated in the Birmingham Hometown Parade. The experience was clouded by the confusion of lost registration forms by the Parade Coordinator’s office and lastminute arrangements to be included. This, and the fact the Parade occurred two weeks prior to Memorial Day and with the event’s lack of emphasis on honoring Veterans, we resolved to explore other options for parade participation in coming years.
The Post’s Summer picnic and social event was again held at the home of Adjutant Dinger.
Lake Majestic sent a letter to the Post expressing his gratitude for our sponsorship of him to Boy’s State in 2014. He recounted how it introduced him to an education in politics and to prepare him for college.
John Reddy joined the Post by transferring his membership from Post #225.
Our Winter Holiday party and social event saw us gather at the Clawson Steak House December 14.

John Scholl, Commander of West Bloomfield American Legion Post #341 was in attendance at our January meeting. He and Cdr. Tom Stewart had met informally and now would meet at each other’s Post in anticipation of exploring joint activities. Commanders Stewart and Scholl continued to meet and discussions included membership, fund raisers, joint meetings and activities like parade participation and even possible merger of the two Posts. Cdr. Scholl, was developing a WWI display at the Oakland County Pioneer and Historical Society and asked Post #339 to contribute a copy of a document from it’s files on events in the life of Harold Furlong and a book from Harold’s personal library.
John Reddy replaced Bryant Oxendine on the ballot for Judge Advocate and was elected with the existing officers who had agreed to remain in their present positions for another year.
Post #339 participated in the Sylvan Lake Memorial Day Parade on May 29 with Post #341.
Bruce Lessien died on May 30. He was a Charter member and longtime Finance Officer of Post #339.
Adj. Dave Dinger and Judge Advocate John Reddy preformed Color Guard duty at Senior Men’s Club of Birmingham celebration of D Day on June 6.
July saw the completion of the project to recruit members of Post #225 who live in our contiguous Zip Codes. Kudos to Judge Advocate John Reddy for resurrecting this long dormant project and getting it completed.
On August 18, 2017, we attended a Donor Appreciation Luncheon on Pre-Air Show Day at Selfridge ANGB. Post #339 was the honored guest of the 127th Wing Family Readiness Group. About twelve members, spouses and friends enjoyed VIP treatment on the 100th Anniversary of the Selfridge Air Base.
Service Officer John Rom attended the Department of Michigan Service Office’s School at Higgins Lake Conference Center September 8 through 10. Through learned information, John and Adj. Dinger were able to get a new telephone for the hearing impaired installed in John Horiszny’s home.
Judge Advocate John Reddy’s Americanism project of making our community aware and informed of proper display of our National symbol, the American Flag, began in the late months of 2017. This was accomplished by notification of local and regional media outlets, homeowner’s associations in Bloomfield Township, churches and schools.
Post #339 was gifted three pieces of Harold Furlong memorabilia by Dr. David Calver a former Resident of Dr. Furlong and later his partner in the practice of OB/GYN. The three historical items were: 1). Dr. Furlong’s diploma from the University of Michigan Medical School. 2). A Citation from the Board of Trustees of Pontiac General Hospital. 3). A recognition award from the Medical Staff of Pontiac General Hospital. After studied deliberation, we determined to place them in the hands of the Pontiac Creative Arts Center to be properly displayed in perpetuity. Harold Furlong founded and funded, with an endowment, the Pontiac Creative Arts Center during his lifetime. The Pontiac Creative Arts Center serves the Pontiac community with art programs and exhibitions from its location in the old Pontiac Library building on Williams St. in Pontiac.
Post #339’s Winter Holiday dinner and social event was planned to be held at Hero’s Restaurant. A Winter Storm on the scheduled date caused its cancellation.

Letters of invitation to Post #225 members have yielded us eleven transferred-in members.
In February we learned that Cdr. Stewart would step away from Post duties and obligations for unspecified reasons.
Post #339 continues to be the beneficiary to transfers-in from the State holding Post #225 which now totals eighteen.
The 1st Anniversary of National Vietnam War Veterans Day was celebrated on March 29 by Kirk in the Hills with a service at Noon in the main sanctuary. Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pins were presented to all Vietnam Veterans in attendance by State Senator Marty Knollenberg during the service. Several members of Post #339 were in attendance and received their Lapel Pins.
John Reddy and Al Eicher preformed Honor Guard duty carrying Post #339’s Ceremonial Flags to open the SMCB meeting on Friday March 23rd to honor Vietnam War Veterans. The Senior Men’s Club of Birmingham counts ten of its members who are also members of Post #339.
Post #339 unanimously approved the election of its officers for the coming year at its April meeting. The offices of Commander, Adjutant and Historian: Dave Dinger; the offices of 1st V. commander, and Finance Officer: Billy Baumann; the offices 2nd V. Commander and Judge Advocate: John Reddy and the offices of Chaplain, Sgt.-at-Arms and Post Service Officer: John Rom. John Reddy summed up all of our expectations and wishes by commenting “hope that our new members would see and be inspired by the activities of this Post and would respond to his call to get involved in the work to better this community.”
Post #339 received recognition for 100% Membership by the Department of Michigan. This was aided by our work to acquire eighteen Transfers-In to the Post membership rolls.
May was a busy calendar for Post #339. Members Billy Baumann, Jim Slosberg, Dave Dinger, John Horiszny and John Reddy took a field trip led by John Scholl, Cdr. Post #341, to Pine Grove, the home of Oakland County Pioneer and Historical Society to view the WWI exhibit that featured Harold Furlong. Cdr. Scholl then took us to visit Harold Furlong’s burial site in Oak Hill Cemetery. Poppy Days saw us receive generous donations from our members and John Horiszny again accounted for his time, in a big way, collecting from the patrons of Hollywood Market. The Sylvan Lake Memorial Day Parade and Veterans Recognition Ceremony May 28th was a highlight. Our Post with its Flags led the parade followed by a car carrying our two WWII Veterans, Jim Slosberg and John Horiszny. Reddy and Horiszny also participated in the May 29th Annual Greenfield Elementary School Silent Dismissal program honoring Veterans.
Mid-June saw Dinger, Rom, Reddy, Slosberg and Horiszny visit Harold Furlong’s military display that includes his Medal of Honor at the Michigan Military and Space Hero’s Museum in Frankenmuth.
Cdr. Dinger was an invited guest of Cdr. John Scholl at Post #341’s meeting on June 28th.
The Post’s Summer picnic and Social event was held Aug. 8th at the home of David and Sue Dinger.
John Reddy resigned his offices of 2nd V. Commander and Judge Advocate citing his failing confidence to fulfill those duties. Cdr. Dinger accepted John’s resignation with regret saying, “we of Post #339, recognize and thank John for his tireless pursuit of the community’s recognition of Americanism and his advocacy for the American Legion’s Youth programs as he endeavored to make Post #339 the best American Legion Post in Michigan”.
Al Eicher shared his Veterans Day experiences this year (2018) in an e-mail note to me (Dave Dinger). They started with a decision to select his brother’s (died in Korea) Army field jacket to wear that day, then participation with me (Dinger) in the Color Guard ceremony to open the SMCB meeting, mention of the day’s speaker, Marine Captain Michael Schloff (became a SMCB member in November 2021), later attracted smiles(the jacket) as he walked from the Community House to the parking deck and finally a memorable act of “kindness and patriotism” by an elderly woman in a restaurant where she had observed Al with his group of Veteran friends reflecting on their military past during lunch (she had silently paid for their lunch).
Cdr. Dave Dinger was the guest of Post #341 and Cdr. John Scholl at their Veteran’s Day/Marine Corps. Birthday dinner at the Oakland County Boat Club.
Nov. 11, Post #339 joined Post #341 at the Boat Club at 11 AM for Bells of Peace, bell ringing ceremony, commemorating the Armistice of WWI.
Post #339 held its Winter Holiday dinner and social event at the Village Club. The festive environment was enjoyed by fourteen members and their spouses.

Post #339 was honored to have Commander Michael Fitzgerald of the 18th District attend our first meeting of the year. Michael sat in observation and spoke during Good of the American Legion. He complimented us on the way we run an informative and interesting meeting that had participation from everyone. He encouraged our participation at District meetings and let us know he would always be available to us should we have need. He “reassured us that to get 10% of our membership to attend meetings, as we have tonight, is a very good turnout”.
The decision was made to change our Post’s mailing address to the home address of Cdr./Adj. Dave
Dinger. The cost of maintaining a Post Office Box has increased over the past ten years from $36./year to $106./year.
All officers of Post #339 agreed to serve another year and were reelected at the April meeting.
Post #339 was honored and again accepted an invitation to participate in the Sylvan Lake Memorial Day Parade.
Member Roy Albert, WWII Veteran with POW experience, participated in the Soaring Valor trip to the WWII Museum in New Orleans. Cdr. Dinger wrote a letter to Roy, on behalf of Post #339, to be delivered to him as part of a surprise Mail Call during the return flight from New Orleans.
LEGION ACT signed into law July 30, 2019. This law eliminates the “war eras” eligibility requirement for a veteran to join the American Legion. Congress has now said our Nation has been at war continuously since Dec. 7, 1941. All Veterans with Honorable Discharge are now eligible to join the American Legion.
Communication is ongoing between the Post and the Pontiac Creative Arts Center (PCAC) re permanent display of the donated Dr. Harold A. Furlong memorabilia that once hung in his medical office.
Early October 2019. Cdr. Dave Dinger Post #339 and Cdr. John Scholl met informally to discuss ways our Posts can exist and thrive into the future. The prominent driver of our thinking is the reality of small numbers of aging members attending Post meetings of which only a few of those are willing to involve themselves in the work of the Post. Cdr. Scholl advanced the idea of merger of the two Posts, #339 and #341, citing our history of cooperation in joint activities. We agreed to take the idea to our respective Membership meetings. The members present at Post #339’s meeting on Oct. 9, 2019 were cool to the idea. Most saw difficulties with retaining our Post’s identity (its name and history), meeting place, mingling of financial assets and obtaining an informed decision of the entire membership as hurdles too large to contemplate. It was recognized that our biggest problem of survival revolves around our ability to attract young Veterans to join the Legion and then to become active in a local Post. The members present directed me, their commander, to seek advice on their behalf from Jerry Andrus, Chairman of the Post Redevelopment Committee at the Department of Michigan.
Post #339 was again honored to be invited to preform Color Guard duty to open the SMCB meeting on Nov. 8th. Members Al Eicher and Dave Dinger were honored to answer the call.
Post #339 celebrated our Winter Holiday and social event with a festive dinner at the Village Club again this year. Sixteen members and spouses enjoyed the evening in the private room setting and the rectangular table aided John Reddy’s idea to cause all of us to be involved in the same conversation.


Judy Wilson, Executive Director of the Pontiac Creative Arts Center is planning to honor Dr. Harold Furlong at an event to be held in August around his Birthday. A room in the PCAC will be dedicated to his life in the community as a Physician, an Educator and a Philanthropist. Dir. Wilson’s letter asks for our suggestions and participation. A letter to the membership to generate support for the event was not sent due to COVID-19 which put the event on hold.
Feb. 12, 2020 was our final meeting before COVID-19 shut things down for the rest of the year. Our meeting place, the Bloomfield Township Central Fire Station closed to the public.
The membership of the Post was periodically updated through e-mail communication.
Cdr. Dave Dinger of Post #339 and Cdr. John Scholl of Post #341 presented their desire to merge the two Posts on May 16, 2021 at a ZOOM meeting of the 18th District. The merger was unanimously approved.
Cdr. Michael Fitzgerald of the 18th District then took the proposed merger to the Department of Michigan Summer Conference July 9-11 where it was also approved. Cdr. Michael Fitzgerald informed me (Dinger) by phone in mid-July that formal approval by National is expected to follow at the Convention in October. He also informed me that our two Posts are now free to work out the details of merger. The name of the new merged entity which had been previously decided will be the Harold A. Furlong American Legion Post #341.
June 21, 2021 – Bloomfield Township sent notice of opening to the public as of tomorrow, June 22.
This is in concert with the Governor’s directive that all emergency orders restricting businesses put in place due to the pandemic are rescinded as of 12:01AM June 22, 2021. The Post membership was notified that our first meeting in seventeen months would convene July 14 at 1900. The members were brought up-to-date re the status of the merger with Post #341 as is stated above.
The first joint meeting of Post #339 and Post #341 was held on the afternoon of Oct 20, 2021. It was attended by ten members that included officers that had agreed to serve until the next election cycle in April 2022. The meeting was informational for all. The history of each Post was recounted briefly. The members present approved the concept for the development of a web site as a tool for its publicity as well as a recruiting aid. Cdr. Scholl and Adjutant Dinger will follow up with member Al Eicher and his son David Eicher re development of a web site for the Harold A. Furlong American Legion Post #341. The financial reports were given separately as the funds of each Post remain in separate bank accounts as of this time. Finance Officer Nick Murray of Post #341 reported the following as of Aug. 31, 2021: General Fund $16, 575.; Poppy Fund $6,600.; Total $23,175. Finance Officer Billy Baumann of Post #339 reported the following as of Sept. 21, 2021: General Fund $2,572.55; Poppy Fund -$138.24; Total $2,434.31. Meeting venue was discussed and for the immediate future will alternate between the Boat Club and the Bloomfield Township Central Fire Station 1155 Exeter Rd. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302. The next meeting will be November 10, 2021 at 1900. Deferred, was a decision as to regular day and time of meetings as well as mailing address for the newly merged entity.
Nov. 10, 2021 Cdr. John Scholl and Adj. Dave Dinger brought the members up-to-date re information on the proposed web site. David Eicher made a proposal for development and maintenance for the Harold A. Furlong American Legion Post #341website. Our cost for the first year would be $400. which includes obtaining the Domain name for five years of $93.95 and David’s set up and development of the web site with loading Post histories and documents and hosting. Beginning in the second year David’s hosting fee is $10/ month ($120/year). The members unanimously approved the proposal and authorized Adj. Dinger to notify Dave Eicher to begin the process. The members present established our regular meeting day and time to be the second Wednesday at 1900(7:00 PM). The Post will not meet in December. The next meeting will convene at the Oakland County Boat Club 2330 Ferndale, Sylvan Lake, MI 48320 on Jan. 12, 2022 at 1900.

A word about operational finances of Post #339:
Post #339 has derived its operating income for the General Fund from member dues (Post portion) of $10.50 per member per year. There has been, on occasion, a member donation to this Fund. Expenses paid from this fund have been1). District dues of $1. per member per year. 2). Post Office Box – an average of $50. per year. The one major large expense paid from the General Fund was the purchase of the Post #339 Ceremonial Flags and related accoutrements at a cost of $1200.
The Poppy Fund income is generated from donations from the general public and from our members. Each year disbursements from this Fund are made to organizations that depend on these donations for the benefit of Veterans or families of Veterans and the families of Active duty personnel.

This outline form summary history of The Harold A. Furlong American Legion Post #339 has been taken from the historical archives of the Post as well as from memory as I have lived it.

David H. Dinger, M.D., Historian